Saturday, August 16, 2014

Time for an Update?

Is it time for an update? I don't know that there is much to update on... let me think.
Well, for starters, you are being bombarded with post now because I have been saving them. I was hoping to find my camera and put pictures with my posts but it looks like it may be lost forever. Just in case I do find it, I'll be sure to back post some pictures. I think most of the pictures I had on my camera were from the Snodgress reunion so we'll just start from here. I have been taking pictures with my phone for now and so I have a couple from Lizzie's first day back to school which were in the last post and I have a bunch more from my phone of the little things we've been up to, but before I start throwing random pictures on here:
* Rick got his bagpipes, Finally. I will have to post the very first time he attempted to play them because it was kind of comical but not in the I'm-going-to-make-fun-of-you kind of way but just funny enough because Penny was in the room and didn't know what to think. It took her all of one minute to start crying. She is more used to the sound now so we don't get the same reaction from her. In case you were wondering.
*Rick also got a new calling in the ward. He is now the Assistant ward clerk.

*I have been doing some scrap booking because I'm thinking I will use up what I have left and then retire my scrap booking days. It's all about digital scrap booking now so I think it will be that from here on out but I am still scrap booking things I had laying around already and the things that can't be digitally replicated-children's Art work and such. I have been organizing and trying my darndest to not go insane on a daily basis. We are outliving the basement and it brings a lot of frustrations for me from time to time. Normalcy would be a nice thing to have in my life but since it's Everything but Normal, I am just doing what I can. We have some plans in the works but I won't go into it because I don't know the when? where? whats? IF's and But's about any of it yet. We are close but not close enough yet....Come October, I may have more to update on. For now, It's just life-crazy, fun, hectic life we all absorb ourselves in.
*I am back to playing co-ed volleyball once or twice a week and then I will be starting the grass league soon. I miss running. I haven't ran since the midnight 5k. I have had some knee problems and I have been very hesitant to start up again. I do miss it though and think about it often, especially on perfect running days...or rainy days. I love running in the rain!

Okay, so we went to the Children's museum in St. George...Finally! I have been meaning to take the kids for so long and we finally did it thanks to my sister for coming up with the idea and making us all join her. The kids had a blast and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit too.

Also, the kids were going stir crazy one day, so I made them a mud bath and they loved it! It was outside in the sand pit. They were covered from head to toe and it was fun for me to watch and take pictures- I really enjoy it when they are having fun.
Aside from the nasty Flu we all had, there hasn't been much else happening... For now.

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